I wish I had thought of it. Terrifying the bejesus out of a bunch of college kids, who all woke one morning to find in their email box, a stark warning from the FBI
“You have visited illegal web sites!”
I expect all the little kiddies had done that, for pete’s sake full of jumping hormones, that’s what college kids do.
Bit of a bummer to find out the FBI are onto you though.
The e-mails bear the subject line "You visit illegal websites," stating in the body of the message that the user's IP address has been found on more than 40 illegal Web sites and to contact M. John Stellford of the FBI.
And then accuses the culprit of having bought a Paris Hilton Video: that’s not illegal, that’s pathetic.
Not quite the same over here is it? No one is going to loose any sleep over warnings from Uncle Tony, no one can take a cheesecake grin like that seriously, maybe Batman would. Not the rest of us.
Even MI5 would only raise a cackle. “What ho you bounder, we got you fair and square.”
Yes all right Jeeves, pass me the sherry.
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