Now the dust has settled over the recent election here in Britain, I can see that it was marked by a simply appalling fog of mediocrity, by a mind-numbing procession of politicians who became a blur of ‘sound bites.’
Twitface Howard had his slot, Blair had his slot, with the odd rumble from Two Jags Prescott, but apart from the degrees of insincerity, there was nothing to choose between them.
The only bright spot was ‘Beautiful Boris’ who enlivened BBC Question Time, and if I remember rightly, got sacked yet again for some misdemeanour, in the middle of the election.
No doubt about it, Boris is one on his own.
He simply doesn’t care, he is so politically incorrect that only a madman would include him in an election campaign.
Which is just what Michael Howard did.
I was fairly chuffed to find a website dedicated to Boris and it had some wacky stuff.
When asked about the new 24 hour drinking legislation.
“I’m very attracted to it. I may be diverting from Tory party policy here, but I don’t care."
Boris once stated that he had as much chance of being Prime Minister as of being decapitated by a frisbee or of finding Elvis
The only serious facts were these:
Boris Johnson is a Euro-sceptic, British right-wing journalist, Conservative Member of Parliament
and editor of the magazine The Spectator.
Full Name:
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson
Now that’s a name to live up to.
Lets hear it for Boris! Oh yes, he’s written a book called ‘Seventy-Two Virgins’.
He must have enjoyed writing that
Anyone who wants to Boris watch can go here:
I don't really get it. BJ has seemingly achieved cult status. Even left wing bloggers link to him. He looks like an overgrown schoolboy and that hair is not plausible (must be dyed, at least). I'm beginning to think the Tory party is so grey, Boris is the only one that stands out a bit from the rest of the pack.
That's the point! He is so out on a wire that lefties can relate to him.
And its true, the Tory party are so grey, they are invisible. Except for Boris who anything but invisible; and I would rather have him, as MP, that the George Galloway slimeball, who conducted a campaign of personal insult to the Labour MP, and did not fight on matters of policy. It was disgraceful.
Hmm. But then we are getting back to the cult of personality again. Does Boris have anything new or progressive to say or does he just re-hash old style Tory rhetoric while looking like slightly crazed?
George Galloway has always been a self-promoting git but the thrashing he gave the heinous neo-con Norm Coleman last week was wonderful. The Democrats could learn from his performance. See here for a video clip:
Its an indication of poverty in a party when someone like Boris gains support - the Tories being so threadbare as they are, with so little to offer, to their own followers, never mind the rest of us, give Boris his platform.
The flaw is that Boris had no policies for anyone.
I saw the Galloway thrashing, it was brillant, none of those erks knew what had hit them
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