With gloom and a fervent desire not to see yet another costume event, it happens to be ‘Vanity Fair’, I would like to ban these bloody things.
It is a disgrace to the authors, and my gripe is the ceaseless trail of BBC generated programmes. Consider the lovely Jane.
The BBC have managed to traduce the fine writing of Jane Austin, who is submerged into prettiness by the Corporation’s morons.
I accuse the swine of the BBC, of feeding us a sickly diet of beautifully costumed actors, sitting in exquisitely lit 18-century rooms, and filmed against a backdrop of some of the finest houses that England still has.
Well bollocks to them all, it has naff all to do with Miss Jane Austin, with her sharp wit, with her crystal intellect, with her mastery of the use of language.
Every single writer on this planet should be made to read her, in order to understand that each word counts, that each sentence can be an exquisite creation.
Instead we have Colin Firth in a wet nightshirt pretending to be sexy Mr Darcy.
I rest my case.
On the other hand....Colin was quite tasty in his wet shirt, but he wasn't that good. Nope.
Well I never watch the film of a book. Any book. In fact I have not even seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Nor do I want to.
Thank God that you are not in charge at the BBC.
Actually, I quite liked the 1995 adaptation of P&P.
I also liked the 1996 S&S.
I cannot get enough of UK produced period drama.
If you compare it with what the US (or other countries for that matter) produce, the British do it so much better.
Besides, Jennifer Ehle is a healthy lokking if not plump Elizabeth Bennett.
Furthermore, I'd rather see Colin Firth in a wet night shirt than Terry Bloody Wogan. Now that's where BBC is moronic. I cannot understand why this bloke gets paid so much money to not be funny at all.
I'm not head of the BBC? sod it, I thought I was!
However I would argue that Jane Austin can suggest sex without the use of wet t- shirts, or night shirts, and in fact her skill in setting up situations that were loaded with sex, should command respect.
A respect the BBC completely and utterly failed to show!!
Ok, if they want cheer us up with pretty fake JA stuff, I'll just choke quietly in the shadows.
Jesus wept, of course the BBC love Terry Wogan, the old fart, he's like the universal uncle or something.
And he smiles all the damn time!
Just what they like, fake sex, and phony smiles, its all part of the Grand Design!
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