Apparently, the Home Office is going to order the tagging of all suspected terrorists, ahh...Muslim terrorists. And tag all the members of their families!
These terrorists are to be held under house arrest, indefinite... without trial and not charged.
But they all get Tagged! And the rest of their family.... All of 'em, cousins, brothers, uncles, aunts, etc. etc. (Oh yeah, and they can’t use phones or the Internet!)
But, even more fruity! Yeah, the Home Secretary has added Animal Liberationists to the list.
And their families, brothers, uncles, aunts, ect, ect
They all get tagged!
If this carries on, and it probably will, other ‘criminals’ or potential criminals (and their families) will also be tagged.
One day so many of us will get tagged we will be walking up and down our local High Street, tags beeping away, with the cops running up and down, trying to round us all up
Depending on what sort of tag we are carrying.
Peachy stuff.
You are of course correct. These guys are terrorists or they are not. If they are then put them on trial and put em away.
I suppose this issuing of tags is maybe the thin end of the wedge. Still, if you've done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear. Right ?
OHH dear - I can see you won't last long, walking around your neck of the woods, as though you were innocent. I'll come visit you in jail, sunshine, ahem, maybe.
But I am innocent Honest
Hmmmmm... Well,I don't know,maybe it's just better to let them blow up whatever they want? After all they're probably right.Not their fault if our governments are so evil! And , of course, the only way is to blow up anything you can! And God forbid they should be fought or prevented in any way to do their holy task! Have a nice blow up! ;-)
Gandalf Siduri
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