It’s one of the unfortunate aspects of the 2005 Election in Britain that the outcome is a forgone conclusion, namely that Tony Blair will win and return to Downing Street as Prime Minister.
It produces a lack of tension, and most certainly a lack of passion among the voters.
Looking from the sidelines since I have no vote this time round (my fault you know for living in Norway for 2 years) I note a lack of honesty and integrity.
Sure, not always so prevalent in politics, but its disturbing to see such a total absence of either quality in the British political scene.
The lies and dishonesty that took this country into war with Iraq are hallmarks of this Government and continue to operate.
Uncle Tone smiles at confused school kiddies, and Twitface smiles at bemused hospital patients, and it means sod all.
Load of crap.
And the ghost of David Kelly who was murdered by the lies and dishonesty of Blair’s government stands beside me.
So I’m asking “Where’s justice and truth gone to these days, even a modest amount?”
Don’t ask Blair or Twitface, they don’t know.
The David Kelly business makes my blood boil. This was an unconscionable piece of skulduggery. On the other hand I'm a little concerned that so many people are pissed off that they'll vote LiBDem as a protest and the Tories will get back in again. Now that would be a real nightmare.
Yes I agree -David Kelly is dead because of a dishonest government; but it is a misuse of the vote to vote for the Lib Dems as a protest.
If we don't want a Tory government we shouldn't let them in, no question about it.
Protest, yes indeed, directly, on the streets, whatever - but not with a silent vote.
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